Wholesale Innovative Concentrate Vapes
The Rover is a banger style vaporizer by Dip Devices uses advanced heating technology to deliver a smooth and satisfying experience every time. The Rover vaporizer is designed with spinning terp pearls that provide an unparalleled flavour experience while producing big clouds at low temperatures. The spinning terp pearl action ensures that concentrates are evenly heated, resulting in a smooth and flavorful hit. No torch needed!
Not only is Dip Devices Rover vaporizer easy to use, but it's also incredibly easy to clean. With just a Q-tip and alcohol, you can keep your vaporizer looking and functioning like new. Experience the future of concentrates consumption with Dip Devices. The Rover banger style vaporizer is the perfect addition to any collection.
Dip Devices Rover Features:
- Use: Concentrates
- 900mAh Battery Capacity
- Dip Devices most Powerful Battery
- Uses Terp Pearls
- Vacuum Based Airflow to Provide Best Efficiency of Material
- Quartz Only Chamber Makes for the Best Temperature
What's in the Box:
- 1x - Dip Devices Rover Vaporizer
- 4x - Terp Pearls
- 1x - Charging Cord