Mystic Timber Sidecar Carb Cap & Tool - Ball End



By popular demand, Mystic Timber has combined its industry-standard-setting dabbing tools—the best Grade 2 Titanium dabbing tools on the market—with an American-made, 22mm, Grade 2 Titanium Carb Cap. The result is our unique, wood-handled Carb Cap Dab Tools.

Our “Sidecar” Carb Cap Tool is horizontally positioned and designed with the Pocket-size dabber(wood handle length 3.5”). Available with Ball, Shovel or Scoop/Pic tip. It is ergonomically and functionally designed for the smoothest and most efficient experience possible.

The wood handles are crafted of sustainable tropical and North American hardwoods, beveled and buffed with a non-toxic proprietary wax to a lustrous shine—and no two are alike. Our switchable wood-handled dab tool of Ball, Shovel or Scoop/Pic can be added according to your smoking material requirements. They fit so well in the hand and they feel so good!

These top-of-the line tools are a must-have addition to anyone’s smoking collection.

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