Wholesale Affordable Concentrate Vapes
Experience flavourful and satisfying vapor with the Yocan Zen concentrate vaporizer. The Yocan Zen concentrate vaporizer is a pocket-sized wax pen with a 650mAh battery, adjustable voltage (2.8V, 3.2V, and 3.6V) and a magnetic mouthpiece. Utilizing advanced ceramic and food grade diatomaceous heating technology, it heats up quickly and impeccably preserves flavor. The USB-C charging ensures quick, efficient charging and a 30 second safety cut-off allows users to vape with peace of mind.
Yocan Zen Features:
- Use: Concentrates
- 650mAh Battery
- Adjustable Voltage: 2.8V | 3.2V | 3.6V
- Advanced New Coil
- Type-C Charging
- Magnetic Mouthpiece Connection
What's in the Box:
- 1x - Yocan Zen Kit
- 2x - C4-DE Coils(1x Pre-installed)
- 1x - Pick Tool
- 1x - Type-C USB Cable
- 1x - Instructions Manual
- 4x - Cotton Swabs